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Genomic Biodiversity Working Interest Group (GBWG)
Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: Giardino d'Inverno (Theatre III)
Date: 2013-10-30 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-05
This group is a forum for discussion of standards crossing the biodiversity and genomics fields of study, with core emphasis on mobilizing usable products and technologies for applied research projects. TDWG has historically focused on the sharing of specimen-based data through a set of standards including Darwin Core (DwC), Access to Biological Collection Data (ABCD), and TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval (TAPIR). However, the last several years have seen a swell of interest in including DNA-based information with specimen data and coupling sequence data with specimens and their associated environmental and taxonomic context. Discussion topics for this meeting are: (1) source_mat_id definition in the Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) standard; (2) update on the MaterialSample proposal for the DwC Standard; (3) Update from Biological Collections Ontology, if needed; (4) update from the MIxS as RDF project; and (5) Darwin Core Archives (DwCA) Tissue/DNA/Sample extensions.