Missouri Botanical Garden Open Conference Systems, TDWG 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

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Perspectives for better conservation of diversity information in microalgae communities in Burkina Faso
Bilassé ZONGO

Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: America del Nord (Theatre I)
Date: 2013-11-01 11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Last modified: 2013-10-09


Microalgae are generally photosynthetic organisms forming a very heterogeneous group from the point of view of form, structure, cell composition, biology and metabolism. Their global distribution is heavily influenced by the physicochemical parameters of water, which are dependent upon environmental factors (including climate). Nevertheless, many species are cosmopolitan or subcosmopolitan in terms of their wide ecological range. Algae have a very remarkable diversity; currently, thousands of species are listed throughout the world. In Burkina Faso, their diversity is important and investigations are carried out for a good knowledge of this diversity.

Collection of microscopic algae diversity information is quite a complex matter. It ranges from collecting samples out in the field (from sites) and the fixation thereof, to microscopic observations in the laboratory. Observations of collected samples allow making an inventory of the various species found.

Research carried out in the various sites have allowed identifying, up to now and for Burkina Faso, 801 species in 112 genera, 35 families and five divisions. All of these species are planktonic, and to our knowledge no work has yet been done on the periphyton algae in Burkina Faso.

In order to conserve diversity information of microalgae in Burkina Faso, collected samples are carefully conserved with formaldehyde solution in our laboratory. Some microscopic observations can be done with these samples at any time to verify the different species recorded during investigations. Moreover, during observations, individuals of species are drawn or/and photographed. The different pictures are put together by taxonomic group in some plates. The different plates of species are put in order in the herbarium of the laboratory of plant biology and ecology at the University of Ouagadougou. The produced thesis and articles on taxonomy of microalgae of Burkina Faso in the library of the faculty of technical sciences or in internet also contain the recorded species. However, there is no existing website where we can check for micro-algae information of Burkina Faso. It’s thus important to think about creating such website for a sustainable conservation of algae diversity information and also to facilitate sharing this information through the world. In addition, more investigations are needed in the field of micro-algae diversity and ecology in order to facilitate modeling of data that may be extremely useful in understanding the ecological importance of algae communities and ecosystems management.