Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: Africa (formerly America del Sud)
Date: 2013-10-31 09:45 AM – 09:55 AM
Last modified: 2013-10-05
As part of the Information System for Nature and Landscapes (SINP), the French National Museum of Natural History has been appointed by the Ministry in charge of Ecology to develop a national standard for biodiversity data of both marine and terrestrial ecosystems in mainland France and its overseas territories in the context of legislation like the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)[1]. The aim of this presentation is to introduce the organization we set up to create and maintain French biodiversity data standards and, more particularly, the “Occurrence of taxon” standard.
Our working group is composed of the stakeholders engaged in the production, dissemination and use of biodiversity data in France (e.g., public institutions, regional stakeholders, collection managers, GBIF). The standard was defined in a transparent and shared way with the choices between different alternatives guided by the will to provide an operational standard supporting the implementation of automated processes for the exchange of accurate data in a constrained framework. In discussing the development and the maintenance of the standard, we will focus on a comparison with the TDWG approach and the recommendations of VoMaG. We will discuss the contextual elements that facilitated the development of the standard, such as common tools shared by the data providers, and also the limiting factors such as architectural choices which are not fully defined. Then we will specifically discuss the vocabulary governance practices including the development of tools and services to support ease-of-use and maintenance of the standard.