Missouri Botanical Garden Open Conference Systems, TDWG 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

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Enhancing Data Quality using AnnoSys – An Annotation System for Biodiversity Data
Lutz Suhrbier, Okka Tschöpe

Building: Main Building 1st Floor
Room: Salone degli Oceani
Last modified: 2013-09-26


AnnoSys is an online annotation system for networked and highly structured biodiversity data. It allows producing annotations of digital representations of specimen and occurrence data as well as searching for annotations, using specific criteria. It is implemented using the example of collection and observation data in the botanical domain as provided by the GBIF/BioCASE networks. AnnoSys can be accessed by a central web interface and comprises a central AnnoSys repository for annotations and annotated records that can be queried externally through web services. Thus, data are retrievable and can be integrated into other systems. Our prototype is based on the XML-standards ABCD and uses the RDF-based W3C Open Annotation Data Model to store and exchange annotations, hence making it highly interoperable and flexible.

Annotations are an important quality control mechanism in biodiversity research. Therefore, we outline processes, procedures and methods demonstrating the significant contribution of the AnnoSys approach to enhance data quality and fitness-for-use with regard to the increasing amount of digitized original data.