Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: Africa (formerly America del Sud)
Date: 2013-10-29 05:00 PM – 05:15 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-08
Linnaeus Next Generation (LNG) is a new, powerful web-based Species Content Management System. It is used in virtual communities to create and update dynamic on-line species information and identification systems, and is an excellent tool to generate information products in the form of e-publications.
LNG is based on the UNESCO Linnaeus II software that has been used by taxonomic experts around the world during the past 2 decades. Well over 130 species information systems encompassing some 150,000 species and keys to almost 40,000 species were released on DVD-ROM, the Web and in the form of apps for mobile devices. Development of the LNG software started in the EC funded KeyToNature project and was completed with ETI BioInformatics funding.
The software supports the TDWG Standard for Descriptive Data (SDD) as import and export format for identification keys, the Linnaeus II Export format for converting existing Linnaeus II projects and also supports a generic spreadsheet format for importing data. Taxonomic trees can be imported using Catalogue of Life Web-services. The LNG system combines an online, role-based content management system with the possibility to create information systems that can be used offline where needed. LNG is prepared to be used as a taxonomic editor and publisher in the EDIT Cybertaxonomy Platform (CDM) and will output data to ScratchPads.
LNG is used as the registration system for species data at Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Existing species information systems including identification keys in various formats (Lucid, Delta, Linnaeus II, HTML) are currently being imported into LNG for publication. Data will be made available as open source to the community.