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Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: Giardino d'Inverno (Theatre III)
Date: 2013-10-30 04:30 PM – 06:00 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-05
objective: Discuss the creation of an interest group on semantic standards/Linked Open Data in TDWG
Rational: Agropolis institutions and Bioversity International co-organized a workshop entitled "Semantics4Biodiversity' (, which was held in May 2013, in anticipation of the 2014 Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC). There was a strong concern that few biodiversity related data are currently available on the Linked Open Data Cloud. The discussion panel concluded that a TDWG interest group should be created to discuss solutions and processes, and to champion the publishing of open data standards. Attendees of the workshop were interested in becoming part of this group. There is a real potential within TDWG to promote the Semantic Web tools and stimulate a community interaction.
Conclusions of the discussion panel of the workshop 'Semantics4Biodiveristy', Montpellier, France:
A. Develop medium size ontologies that are fit-for-use with multilingual versions - It is important to provide ontologies, controlled vocabularies and metadata standards that will assist in the organization of the data acquired by the community. It seems more appropriate for practical use to propose an organization of the data sets through metadata schemes and knowledge models of smaller size that will provide a solution suitable for modeling realistic problems.
B. Open source data promotion to encourage scientists to invest in open source data and to share their own data
C. Creation an interest group within TDWG – The group will be presented at the next TDWG meeting. The workshop participants will be invited to join the group along side experts from TDWG and GBIF. Every other interested scientist is welcome as well. This group will engage in the promotion of open data standards and will discuss the best solutions to propose for the various domains of biodiversity.
D. Develop tools for the group communication and exchange that will be easy to implement, like a wiki page on the TDWG site, and simple to use, such as mailing lists, dedicated wiki. The main interest essentially focuses on the dynamic set up of the interest group.
E. Definition of a research question by the group members that could be tested as a use case on multiple platforms, using existing ontologies/controlled vocabularies and annotated data.
F. Promote URIs that resolve.
G. Encourage the group to publish the availability of its data and metadata in RDF in one place
H. Stimulate peer reviewing of published annotated data to support solving integration problems
I. Promote the use of metadata to support the quality and document the provenance of the datasets
Rational: Agropolis institutions and Bioversity International co-organized a workshop entitled "Semantics4Biodiversity' (, which was held in May 2013, in anticipation of the 2014 Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC). There was a strong concern that few biodiversity related data are currently available on the Linked Open Data Cloud. The discussion panel concluded that a TDWG interest group should be created to discuss solutions and processes, and to champion the publishing of open data standards. Attendees of the workshop were interested in becoming part of this group. There is a real potential within TDWG to promote the Semantic Web tools and stimulate a community interaction.
Conclusions of the discussion panel of the workshop 'Semantics4Biodiveristy', Montpellier, France:
A. Develop medium size ontologies that are fit-for-use with multilingual versions - It is important to provide ontologies, controlled vocabularies and metadata standards that will assist in the organization of the data acquired by the community. It seems more appropriate for practical use to propose an organization of the data sets through metadata schemes and knowledge models of smaller size that will provide a solution suitable for modeling realistic problems.
B. Open source data promotion to encourage scientists to invest in open source data and to share their own data
C. Creation an interest group within TDWG – The group will be presented at the next TDWG meeting. The workshop participants will be invited to join the group along side experts from TDWG and GBIF. Every other interested scientist is welcome as well. This group will engage in the promotion of open data standards and will discuss the best solutions to propose for the various domains of biodiversity.
D. Develop tools for the group communication and exchange that will be easy to implement, like a wiki page on the TDWG site, and simple to use, such as mailing lists, dedicated wiki. The main interest essentially focuses on the dynamic set up of the interest group.
E. Definition of a research question by the group members that could be tested as a use case on multiple platforms, using existing ontologies/controlled vocabularies and annotated data.
F. Promote URIs that resolve.
G. Encourage the group to publish the availability of its data and metadata in RDF in one place
H. Stimulate peer reviewing of published annotated data to support solving integration problems
I. Promote the use of metadata to support the quality and document the provenance of the datasets