Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: America del Nord (Theatre I)
Date: 2013-10-30 12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-05
The OpenUp! project mobilised until now 1 046 482 digital multimedia natural history collection items (images and sound files) from 20 European content providers (mainly memory institutions). This pool of data represents all types of natural history collections from botany, zoology, palaeontology and geology. This number corresponds to the trend of digitalization which has worldwide spread in last couple years. According this trend which is still on-going memory institutions are applying proposals for digitalization funding on national and also international levels. Consortia of memory institutions including also technical partners are built to be able to reach bigger international coverage and project funding, for example from EU. This process is followed by development of standards, protocols, cloud computing, portals with different search engines and also IPR issues. Big portals with aggregator functions are one of the outcomes of those projects and new partners and their data are always required for the future development and creation of big data hubs.
But what still remains usually unclear to the memory institutions (data providers), particularly to those that are just partly or not involved fully in those consortia, is where and what are the benefits for them? The benefits, connections and possibilities should be demonstrated as a complex schema separated into several fields: technology, public relations, funding and science (especially in Natural History museum collections). Every field or area could have slightly different scenarios. We would like to show you during our workshop some of those possibilities.