Building: Main Building 1st Floor
Room: Salone degli Oceani
Last modified: 2013-10-02
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) is funded to serve the data management requirements of investigators funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Biological and Chemical Oceanography Sections (OCE) and the Division of Polar Programs (PLR) Antarctic Sciences (ANT) Organisms & Ecosystems Program. Some of the 6500 datasets served by BCO-DMO include species and taxon names, abundance, counts and size information. Scientists supply names for the various types of data they are submitting such as ‘temperature’, ‘latitude’, ‘species name’, ‘stage’ and ‘count’. These variable names are then matched to our internal standard names which are in turn mapped, if possible, to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) vocabulary server,, at the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC). BCO-DMO is currently exploring ways to also incorporate or map other controlled vocabularies, including the Darwin Core terms, into the dataset metadata and our evolving ontology. BCO-DMO makes use of the dataset metadata to determine how best to visualize the data to facilitate data discovery and support data re-use. This presentation will illustrate the vocabulary mapping effort and show some examples of visualizing occurrence data.