Missouri Botanical Garden Open Conference Systems, TDWG 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

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M-EOL: biodiversity awareness for gamers
Julie Chabalier, Céline Vidal, Amandine Sahl, Olivier Rovellotti

Building: Main Building 1st Floor
Room: Salone degli Oceani
Last modified: 2013-10-02


In the field of digital education, learning while having fun is a strong trend, and it has been proven that more entertainment provides more effective learning. Serious games have emerged as a way to hack the brains of Generation Z and get them to think about important issues.

Citizen science typically refers to research collaborations between scientist(s) and volunteers to expand opportunities for scientific data collection and to provide access to scientific information for community members.

M-EOL is a touch application (available for iPad and Android tablets [1, 2]) combining ideas from serious games and citizen science to encourage play and discovery of Encyclopedia Of Life collections.

Become an explorer, by travelling around the world while discovering different plant and animal species. Roll the dice to travel between continents. Earn points as you journey by answering questions about which species live on the continents that you visit.

Each level of the game provides fun new collections of species: Stick Your Tongue Out, Life is Blue, The Origin of Spices, and more. Earning points will unlock new collections.

Explore how organisms in each game collection are related to each other by browsing a dynamic, interactive forced directed graph. The graph shows how scientists group species into higher ranks, such as a genus or family. Improve your knowledge about each species through descriptions, images, distribution information, and conservation status from the Encyclopedia of Life website.

[1] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.NaturalSolutions.Meol

[2] https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/meol/id679021914?mt=8