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Modeling Property Values: Is SKOS Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem? Knowledge Representation Issues.
Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: Sala dei Continenti
Date: 2013-10-30 03:26 PM – 03:35 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-07
The TDWG-GBIF Vocabulary Management Task Group (VoMag) is reporting in a session at this meeting on their evaluation of a SKOS-based approach to vocabulary management [1], with particular attention to Labels. (At the moment that attention is focused on language variants). SKOS presents an extension (SKOS-XL) to explore relations between SKOS Labels [2-4] and more particularly to assign URIs to literals in a way that can support RDFS-based reasoning about relations between Labels. We will explore whether this obviates a frequent need to have both an Object Property and a Data Property in communities such as the users of Darwin Core or the impending Audubon Core. The proposal is that a single SKOS Concept would define skosxl:LabelRelations corresponding to those expressed in RDFS on the Concept itself relating it to other SKOS Concepts. Time permitting, we will compare SKOS-XL to an emerging alternative for the problem of assigning URI’s for Literals, namely the vocabulary “Representing Content in RDF 1.0” [5]
[2] SKOS Issue 26: RelationsBetweenLabels
[3] SKOS extension for labels. Appendix B to the W3C SKOS recommendation
[4] SKOS Primer, Sec 4.3 Relationship between Labels
[2] SKOS Issue 26: RelationsBetweenLabels
[3] SKOS extension for labels. Appendix B to the W3C SKOS recommendation
[4] SKOS Primer, Sec 4.3 Relationship between Labels