Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: America del Nord (Theatre I)
Date: 2013-10-30 11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
Last modified: 2013-10-20
The Natural History aggregator is a common infrastructure inside the OpenUp! architecture to combine ABCD records from data providers. The aggregator engages the Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit (HIT) from GBIF and pushes the records to a common meta data database.
Data fields have been identified on the base of the Europeana Semantic Elements ( definitions mapped from their corresponding ABCD xpaths. An additional metadata enrichment layer is available, which at the moment adds only Common Names on the base of the scientific names strings used for storing objects.
For consistency and to provide high quality data the ABCD records are run routinely through the Data Quality Toolkit.
The OpenUp! records are available to the EUROPEANA harvesting routines via an OAI-PMH service. Installations are implemented at the NHM in London.
Data can be exposed in two versions - full or restricted:full version releases the complete set of mapped concepts -
for the restricted version only scientific name string, data provider and the objects identifier with a link to the digital object are visible on the EUROPEANA portal
( /!).
Due to limitations of the ESE schema and subsequent rudimentary exposure of possible ABCD concepts a second pathway has been prepared to follow the new Europeana Data Model (EDM - As soon as the harvest on the new EDM-basis is instantiated OpenUp! records will become available online in this extended format.