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Darwin Core Archive and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: America del Nord (Theatre I)
Date: 2013-10-30 04:45 PM – 04:55 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-05
The Global Genome Biodiversity Network’s (GGBN) Data Portal ( infrastructure is based on GBIF’s infrastructure and the system provided by the DNA Bank Network. Providing DNA and tissue data to the GGBN Data Portal is currently possible using BioCASe (Biological Collection Access Service) and ABCDDNA (Access to Biological Collection Data). The advantages of the hierarchical and complex structure of ABCD and single record query options fulfills all GGBN requirements. Due to the fact that many GBIF providers and therefore many GGBN partners use Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), GGBN wants to enable the use of DwC-A in parallel to ABCD. GGBN bridges the gap between natural history collections and sequence databases. Furthermore GGBN collaborates with ESBB (European, Middle Eastern and African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking), with the aim to harmonize data used in the human and non-human biobanking world. Finally, GGBN aims to ensure that all legal aspects are well recorded and as transpararent as possible. Restricted by the two level based star schema, there is a need to discuss options for using DwC-A within the GGBN context. The presentation will show examples for complex data related to voucher specimens, tissue, DNA and raw sequence data and will describe GGBN requirements.