Building: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
Room: Giardino d'Inverno (Theatre III)
Date: 2013-10-29 02:00 PM – 03:30 PM
Last modified: 2013-10-06
The Audubon Core Multimedia Resource Metadata Schema (simply “Audubon Core” or “AC”) is a representation-free vocabulary for the description of biodiversity multimedia resources and collections, now in the final stages as a proposed standard under TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards. By defining only four terms as mandatory, it seeks to lighten the burden for providing or using multimedia useful for biodiversity science. At the same time, it offers rich optional metadata terms that can help curators of multimedia collections provide authoritative media that document species occurrence, ecosystems, identification tools, ontologies, and many other kinds of biodiversity documents or data. About half of the vocabulary is re-used from other relevant controlled vocabularies that are often already in use for multimedia metadata, thereby reducing the mapping burden on existing repositories. A central design goal is to allow consuming applications to have a high likelihood of discovering suitable resources, reducing the human examination effort that might be required to decide if the resource is fit for the purpose of the application [1]. The first 45 minutes of this session will be a sketch of the AC architecture and controlled vocabulary, along with an outline of what needs to be done for it to be usable by various communities within TDWG. Some of this requires additional Task Groups to be formed with short term goals such as moving forward on one or more representations of AC in XML, in RDF, and in flat formats such as spreadsheets. The second 45 minutes will be devoted to discussing such task groups (usually with a one year time frame), preliminary discussion of their goals, and soliciting volunteers for participating in them. As well, the floor will be available for 2-3 minute presentations about the experiences of anyone who has prototyped any representation of RDF and tried to deploy it, even before it has been accepted as a TDWG standard. Users unfamiliar with AC should see [1] or [2] before looking at the normative introduction [3] and Term List [4].
Robert A. Morris, Convenor;; Members of the Task Group: Vijay Barve, Mihail Carausu, Vishwas Chavan, José Cuadra, Chris Freeland, Gregor Hagedorn, Patrick Leary, Dimitry Mozzherin, Annette Olson, Gregory Riccardi, Ivan Teage, Greg Whitbread
[1] R. Morris et al. Discovery and Publishing of Primary Biodiversity Data associated with Multimedia Resources: The Audubon Core Strategies and Approaches, Biodiversity Informatics. Vol 8, No 2, 2013,