Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

The French standard "Occurrence of taxon" : issues, organization and results
Julie Chataigner, Laurent Poncet, Marie-Elise Lecoq, Anne-Sophie Archambeau, Thierry Bourgoin
Linnaeus Next Generation for species information and identification
Wouter Addink, Maarten Schermer, Ruud Altenburg, Huub Veldhuijzen, Edwin van Spronsen, Peter Schalk


PlutoF – multifunctional workbench for taxonomical and ecological research, biodiversity data collection and analysis
Kessy Abarenkov, Urmas Kõljalg, Marko Peterson, Siim Halapuu, Janno Jõgeva, Karl Ranna, Henrik Nilsson
eBiodiversity – web portal for Estonian biodiversity data
Marko Peterson, Urmas Kõljalg, Kessy Abarenkov, Veljo Runnel, Siim Halapuu, Janno Jõgeva, Karl Ranna
Agora 3D: Evaluating the Digitisation of Scientific Collections
Jonathan Brecko, Mathys Aurore, Patricia Mergen, Emmanuel Gilissen, Franck Theeten, Chris Vastenhoud, Erik Buelincks
The Catalogue of Life Virtual Community
Peter Schalk, Wouter Addink, Yuri Roskov
Plinian Core: integrating information about species
Santiago Martínez de la Riva, Carmen Quesada, Francisco Pando de la Hoz, Bárbara Ayala-Orozco, Ángela M. Suárez-Mayorga, María Mora, Danny Vélez, Jose Trinidad Mendoza Gaytan, Daniel Lins da Silva, Patricia Koleff, Maria Esther Quintero Rivero, Aurelio Sanabria
A High Volume Media Library using TDWG Audubon Core
Wouter Addink, Ayco Holleman, Adrie Berg, Joost van Leusen, Atze de Vries, David Heijkamp
Biodiversity Vocabulary Management at BCO-DMO
Nancy J. Copley, M. Dickson Allison, Robert C. Groman, Cynthia L. Chandler, Peter H. Wiebe, David M. Glover

Interest Group

Elizabeth Arnaud

Symposium: Empowering International e-Collaboration for Sustainability

Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pankaj Jaiwal, Laurel Cooper, Selim Louafi, Pierre Larmande, Caterina Caraciolo, Johannes Keizer, Richard Bruskiewich

Symposium: Biodiversity Data Quality – issues, methods and tools

Beyond Barriers: Exporting data quality assessments from Spain
Arturo H. Ariño, Francisco Pando, Javier Otegui

Semantics for Biodiversity - Technologies, Reasoning and Annotation

SemantEco Annotator for Linked Data Generation and Generalized Semantic Mapping
Patrice Seyed, Katherine Chastain, Brendan Ashby, Yue Liu, Timothy Lebo, Evan Patton, Deborah McGuinness

Semantics for Biodiversity - Formal Models and Ontologies

Text Mining for Biodiversity Ontologies
Mark Schildhauer, Benjamin Adams

Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics

The Crop Ontology: towards the semantic integration of open plant trait data
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pierre-Yves Chibon, Milko Skofic, Pankaj Jaiswal, Laurel Cooper, Rosemary Shrestha, Mark Wilkinson, Richard Bruskiewich, Graham McLaren
Identification of Environment Ontology terms in Text and Annotation of Biodiversity (ENVIRONMENTS-EOL) and Genomics (SEQenv) Information
Evangelos Pafilis, Sune Frankild, Umer Ijaz, Lucia Fanini, Sarah Faulwetter, Christina Pavloudi, Julia Schnetzer, Aikaterini Vasileiadou, Christos Arvanitidis, Christopher Quince, Lars Juhl Jensen

Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data

What Taxonomic information is 'Open Access'?
Donat Agosti, Gregor Hagedorn, Willi Egloff, David Patterson
BiOnym – a flexible workflow approach to taxon name matching
Edward Vanden Berghe, Nicolas Bailly, Caselyn Aldemita, Fabio Fiorellato, Gianpaolo Coro, Anton Ellenbroek, Pasquale Pagano
A pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI)
Yde de Jong, Florian Wetzel, Gregor Hagendorn, Falko Gloeckler, Christoph Haeuser, Marc Geoffroy, Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Anton Guentsch, Walter Berendsohn, Nicola Nicolson, Alan Paton, Paul Kirk, Bart Vanhoorne, Simon Claus, Francisco (Tjess) Hernandez, Jan Mees, Christos Arvanitidis, Hannu Saarenmaa, Valerio Sbordoni, Aaike De Wever, Hendrik Segers, Ulf Gärdenfors, David King

Workshop: Sharing and delivery of reusable phylogenetic knowledge

SUPERSMART: Self-Updating Platform for Estimating Rates of Speciation and Migration, Ages and Relationships of Taxa
Alexandre Antonelli

Symposium: Scholarly Data Publishing in Biodiversity: Challenges and Potentials

Next generation sequencing requires next generation publishing: The Biodiversity Data Journal published the first Eukaryotic new species with a fully sequenced transcriptome, DNA barcode and microcomputed tomography
Lyubomir Penev, Pavel Stoev, Ana Komericki, Nesrine Akkari, Shalini Li, Xin Zhou, Scott Edmunds, Chris Hunter, Alexander Weigand, David Porco, Marzio Zapparoli, Teodor Georgiev, Daniel Mietchen, Dave Roberts, Vincent Smith

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