General Papers
Towards a data citation metric | |
Edward Baker |
Online Annotation of Biodiversity Data – the AnnoSys Approach | |
Okka Tschoepe, Lutz Suhrbier, Anton Güntsch, Walter G. Berendsohn |
Using ElasticSearch as a fast, flexible, and scalable solution to search occurrence records and checklists | |
Christian Gendreau, Marie-Elise Lecoq, David P. Shorthouse, Luc Brouillet |
FOBioS: a functional ontology for biodiversity standards interoperability | |
Silvia Scheunemann, Fabiana Soares Santana, Anarosa Alves Franco Brandao |
Assisted restructure of web content for paper-based presentation: a look at work flows and data representations | |
Alice Heaton, Simon Rycroft, Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton, Ben Scott, Koureas Dimitris, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith |
Xper3: Introducing Social Taxonomy | |
Thomas Burguiere, Florian Causse, Antoine Bergamaschi, Nils Paulhe, Anais Grand, Frederic Lison, Visotheary Ung, Regine Vignes-Lebbe |
The French standard "Occurrence of taxon" : issues, organization and results | |
Julie Chataigner, Laurent Poncet, Marie-Elise Lecoq, Anne-Sophie Archambeau, Thierry Bourgoin |
Towards a Collaborative Virtual Arctic Lichen Flora Project | |
Thomas Hawkes Nash III, Corinna Gries, Edward Gilbert, Benjamin Brandt, Alfonso Doucette, Mark Allen Wetter, Ken M Cameron |
Bibliography of Life (RefBank and ReFinder): A tool to discover, download, correct, and format bibliographic references | |
Guido Sautter, Jordan Biserkov |
Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT) and Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) integrate data and narrative (text) publishing | |
Teodor Georgiev, Jordan Biserkov, Lyubomir Penev |
Bibliography of Life: Comprehensive services for biodiversity bibliographic references | |
David King, Guido Sautter, David Morse, Lyubomir Penev, Jordan Biserkov, Teodor Georgiev, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith |
Agora 3D: Evaluating the Digitisation of Scientific Collections | |
Jonathan Brecko, Mathys Aurore, Patricia Mergen, Emmanuel Gilissen, Franck Theeten, Chris Vastenhoud, Erik Buelincks |
agINFRA - where agriculture, biodiversity and information technology meet | |
David Morse, Jane Bromley, David King |
Xper3: Introducing Social Taxonomy | |
Thomas Burguiere, Florian Causse, Antoine Bergamaschi, Nils Paulhe, Anais Grand, Frederic Lison, Visotheary Ung, Regine Vignes-Lebbe |
BioFresh: building a collaborative global freshwater biodiversity data hub | |
Aaike De Wever, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Nicolas Bailly, Vanessa Bremerich, Paul Jepson, Jörg Freyhof, Koen Martens, Klement Tockner |
A High Volume Media Library using TDWG Audubon Core | |
Wouter Addink, Ayco Holleman, Adrie Berg, Joost van Leusen, Atze de Vries, David Heijkamp |
Symposium: Empowering International e-Collaboration for Sustainability
Introduction: Empowering International eCollaboration for Sustainability | |
Deborah Paul, Gail Kampmeier, Reed Beaman |
Expanding and Sustaining Sub-Saharan African Participation and Collaboration with TDWG | |
Henry L. Bart, Patricia Mergen |
Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity | |
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pankaj Jaiwal, Laurel Cooper, Selim Louafi, Pierre Larmande, Caterina Caraciolo, Johannes Keizer, Richard Bruskiewich |
Panel Discussion: Empowering International eCollaboration for Sustainability | |
Reed S. Beaman, Deborah Paul, Gail Kampmeier |
The elements of collaboration in TDWG | |
Stanley Blum |
Symposium: Big Data coming from Earth Observation Networks
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) Cyberinfrastructure Status and Futures | |
Andréa Matsunaga, Renato Figueiredo, Alex Thompson, Gregory Traub, Reed Beaman, José A. B. Fortes |
Symposium: Biodiversity Data Quality – issues, methods and tools
Proposal of a metadata schema for biodiversity data quality | |
Allan Koch Veiga, Antonio Mauro Saraiva, Anarosa Alves Franco Brandão, Etienne Americo Cartolano Jr. |
Collaborative validation of visual data through the Pl@ntNet identification system | |
Samuel Dufour-Kowalski, Jeremy Salinier, Aurelien Peronnet, Jennifer Carré, Jean-Pascal Milcent, Hervé Goëau, Alexis Joly, Nozha Boujemaa, Pierre Bonnet, Julien Barbe, Jean-Francois Molino, Daniel Barthélémy |
Workshop: Content provision workshop using BioCASe and OpenUp! infrastructure
Sustaining a biodiversity data infrastructure: OpenUp!, BioCASE, and GBIF | |
Walter G. Berendsohn |
Symposium: Building and maintaining crowd sourcing Websites and their Communities
Georeferencing Fishes: a Community-Based Model | |
Nelson Rios, Henry Bart |
iDigBio's Public Participation in Digitization Management System | |
Austin Mast, Elizabeth Ellwood, Robert Bruhn, Greg Riccardi |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Primer on Semantic Technologies
Primer on Semantic Technologies | |
Steve Baskauf, Mark Schildhauer |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Technologies, Reasoning and Annotation
An RDF Guide for the TDWG Darwin Core Standard | |
Steven Baskauf, John Wieczorek, John Deck, Campbell Webb, Mark Schildhauer |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Formal Models and Ontologies
A Toolkit for Reconciling Multiple Taxonomic Perspectives: Euler/X and the Perelleschus Use Case | |
Nico Franz, Mingmin Chen, Shizhuo Yu, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludäscher |
Using Darwin-SW to Answer Questions About Biodiversity Resources | |
Steven Baskauf, Campbell Webb |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics
The Crop Ontology: towards the semantic integration of open plant trait data | |
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pierre-Yves Chibon, Milko Skofic, Pankaj Jaiswal, Laurel Cooper, Rosemary Shrestha, Mark Wilkinson, Richard Bruskiewich, Graham McLaren |
Semantic tools for aggregation of morphological characters across studies | |
James Balhoff, Alex Dececchi, Paula Mabee, Hilmar Lapp |
Symposium: Mobilizing biodiversity information in Sub-Saharan Africa
Opening Remarks | |
Patricia Mergen, Henry L. Bart |
Workshop Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema
Darwin Core Archive and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network | |
Gabriele Droege, Katharine Barker, Paul Flemons |
Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data
BiOnym – a flexible workflow approach to taxon name matching | |
Edward Vanden Berghe, Nicolas Bailly, Caselyn Aldemita, Fabio Fiorellato, Gianpaolo Coro, Anton Ellenbroek, Pasquale Pagano |
The EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy as an information broker in name infrastructures | |
Andreas Kohlbecker, Yde de Jong, Cherian Mathew, Lorna Morris, Andreas Müller, Anton Güntsch, Walter Berendsohn |
Scratchpads: The virtual research environment for biodiversity data | |
Simon Rycroft, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith, Alice Heaton, Katherine Bouton, Laurence Livermore, Dimitris Koureas, Ed Baker |
A pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI) | |
Yde de Jong, Florian Wetzel, Gregor Hagendorn, Falko Gloeckler, Christoph Haeuser, Marc Geoffroy, Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Anton Guentsch, Walter Berendsohn, Nicola Nicolson, Alan Paton, Paul Kirk, Bart Vanhoorne, Simon Claus, Francisco (Tjess) Hernandez, Jan Mees, Christos Arvanitidis, Hannu Saarenmaa, Valerio Sbordoni, Aaike De Wever, Hendrik Segers, Ulf Gärdenfors, David King |
Symposium: Biodiversity vocabulary management - outcomes of the VoMaG Task Group
The TDWG Ontologies | |
Steve Baskauf |
Workshop: Darwin Core DNA and Tissue Data Standard for the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
Workshop: Darwin Core DNA and Tissue Data Standard for the Global Genome Biodiversity Network | |
Paul Kenneth Flemons, Katharine Barker, Gabrielle Dröge |

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