Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

General Papers

The use of optical character recognition (OCR) in the digitisation of herbarium specimens
Elspeth M Haston, Robyn E Drinkwater, Robert Cubey
Assisted restructure of web content for paper-based presentation: a look at work flows and data representations
Alice Heaton, Simon Rycroft, Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton, Ben Scott, Koureas Dimitris, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith
Towards a Collaborative Virtual Arctic Lichen Flora Project
Thomas Hawkes Nash III, Corinna Gries, Edward Gilbert, Benjamin Brandt, Alfonso Doucette, Mark Allen Wetter, Ken M Cameron
Cybertaxonomy and revisionary systematics
Dmitry Dmitriev

Keynote Speakers

Web services and workflows: The Digital Observatory of Protected Areas
Andrew Cottam, Gregoire Dubois


Afromoths: An online database of Afrotropical moth species
Nicolas Noé, André Heughebaert, Jurate De Prins
Fauna Europaea; all European animal species on the web
Yde de Jong, Florian Wetzel, Falko Gloeckler, Alexander Kroupa, Andreas Kohlbecker, Andreas Müller, Anton Guentsch, Gregor Hagendorn, Christoph Haueser
FADA: Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment
Aaike De Wever, Hendrik Segers, Koen Martens
A strategy for integration of big (phenotype) data
Suzanna Lewis, Paula Mabee, Andy Deans, Eva Huala, Chris Mungall
BioFresh: building a collaborative global freshwater biodiversity data hub
Aaike De Wever, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Nicolas Bailly, Vanessa Bremerich, Paul Jepson, Jörg Freyhof, Koen Martens, Klement Tockner
ComTax: Community-driven Curation for Taxonomic Databases
David Morse, Hui Yang, Alistair Willis, Anne de Roeck, David King
Biodiversity Network of the Humboldt-Ring (BiNHum): Access to high-quality object data, extension of established database systems and set-up of a joint data portal
Joerg Lange, Joachim Holstein, Anita Roth-Nebelsick, Christopher Traiser, Florian Raub, Hubert Höfer, Klaus Riede, Peter Grobe, Maik Röder, Christian Köhler, Anton Güntsch, Gabriele Dröge, Patricia Kelbert, Dagmar Triebel, Anton Link, Markus Weiss, Dieter Neubacher, Tanja Weibulat

Interest Group

Genomic Biodiversity Working Interest Group (GBWG)
John Deck

Symposium: Empowering International e-Collaboration for Sustainability

NEON’s collections program: Developing a collaborative network of museums and a resource in support of biodiversity research
Michael W. Denslow

Symposium: Biodiversity Data Quality – issues, methods and tools

Data quality challenges in the Canadensys network of occurrence records: examples, tools, and solutions
Christian Gendreau, David P. Shorthouse, Peter Desmet
Collaborative validation of visual data through the Pl@ntNet identification system
Samuel Dufour-Kowalski, Jeremy Salinier, Aurelien Peronnet, Jennifer Carré, Jean-Pascal Milcent, Hervé Goëau, Alexis Joly, Nozha Boujemaa, Pierre Bonnet, Julien Barbe, Jean-Francois Molino, Daniel Barthélémy

Workshop: Content provision workshop using BioCASe and OpenUp! infrastructure

Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal & ABCDDNA
Gabriele Dröge

Semantics for Biodiversity - Technologies, Reasoning and Annotation

Building a Biodiversity Information Network using Persistent, Resolvable Identifiers
John Deck, Robert Guralnick, John Kunze
The BiSciCol Triplifier: bringing legacy biodiversity data to the Semantic Web
Brian Stucky, Robert Guralnick, John Deck, Tom Conlin
An RDF Guide for the TDWG Darwin Core Standard
Steven Baskauf, John Wieczorek, John Deck, Campbell Webb, Mark Schildhauer

Semantics for Biodiversity - Formal Models and Ontologies

Linking Biodiversity Data with the Biological Collections Ontology
Ramona Walls, John Deck, Robert Guralnick, John Wieczorek

Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics

Semantic tools for aggregation of morphological characters across studies
James Balhoff, Alex Dececchi, Paula Mabee, Hilmar Lapp
Linking Data For Real: How and Why The Current Situation Stinks Big Time
Rob Guralnick, Tom Conlin, Nico Cellinese, John Deck

Workshop Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema

Darwin Core Archive and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
Gabriele Droege, Katharine Barker, Paul Flemons
Discussion - Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema
Gabriele Droege, Patrick Leary

Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data

The EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy as an information broker in name infrastructures
Andreas Kohlbecker, Yde de Jong, Cherian Mathew, Lorna Morris, Andreas Müller, Anton Güntsch, Walter Berendsohn
Development of a dataportal providing European taxonomic information: past activities and future plans
Simon Claus, Yde de Jong, Klaas Deneudt, Bart Vanhoorne, Francisco Hernandez
A pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI)
Yde de Jong, Florian Wetzel, Gregor Hagendorn, Falko Gloeckler, Christoph Haeuser, Marc Geoffroy, Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Anton Guentsch, Walter Berendsohn, Nicola Nicolson, Alan Paton, Paul Kirk, Bart Vanhoorne, Simon Claus, Francisco (Tjess) Hernandez, Jan Mees, Christos Arvanitidis, Hannu Saarenmaa, Valerio Sbordoni, Aaike De Wever, Hendrik Segers, Ulf Gärdenfors, David King

Workshop: Darwin Core DNA and Tissue Data Standard for the Global Genome Biodiversity Network

Workshop: Darwin Core DNA and Tissue Data Standard for the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
Paul Kenneth Flemons, Katharine Barker, Gabrielle Dröge

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.