Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

iDigBio Data Integration with Self-Referential Schemas
Sarfaraz Ahmed Soomro, Andrea Matsunaga, José A. B. Fortes
Natural History collections as valuable sources of biodiversity data; solution by MUSEION
Jiri Frank, Pavel Mlcoch


BioFresh: building a collaborative global freshwater biodiversity data hub
Aaike De Wever, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Nicolas Bailly, Vanessa Bremerich, Paul Jepson, Jörg Freyhof, Koen Martens, Klement Tockner

Symposium: Big Data coming from Earth Observation Networks

Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) Cyberinfrastructure Status and Futures
Andréa Matsunaga, Renato Figueiredo, Alex Thompson, Gregory Traub, Reed Beaman, José A. B. Fortes

Symposium: Biodiversity Data Quality – issues, methods and tools

Data Quality processes used in the Atlas of Living Australia
Paul Kenneth Flemons
The Data Quality Initiative at the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
David Fichtmueller
SCAN - Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network: Leveraging Filtered Push Technology to Enhance Remote Taxonomic Identifications
Nico Franz

Symposium: Crafting the future of a Global Biodiversity Heritage Library for diverse community’s needs

Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe - past, present and future
Jiri Frank

Workshop: Content provision workshop using BioCASe and OpenUp! infrastructure

OpenUp! mobilised data overview / Benefits and possibilities for content providers
Jiri Frank

Symposium: Building and maintaining crowd sourcing Websites and their Communities

Crowd Sourcing and Community Management Capabilities Available within Symbiota Data Portals
Nico Franz, Corinna Gries, Edward Gilbert
Panel Discussion: Building & Maintaining Crowd Sourcing Websites & their Communities
Paul Kenneth Flemons

Semantics for Biodiversity - Formal Models and Ontologies

Using Answer Set Programming to Simulate the Interplay of Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Change
Nico Franz, Joohyung Lee
A Toolkit for Reconciling Multiple Taxonomic Perspectives: Euler/X and the Perelleschus Use Case
Nico Franz, Mingmin Chen, Shizhuo Yu, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludäscher

Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics

Identification of Environment Ontology terms in Text and Annotation of Biodiversity (ENVIRONMENTS-EOL) and Genomics (SEQenv) Information
Evangelos Pafilis, Sune Frankild, Umer Ijaz, Lucia Fanini, Sarah Faulwetter, Christina Pavloudi, Julia Schnetzer, Aikaterini Vasileiadou, Christos Arvanitidis, Christopher Quince, Lars Juhl Jensen

Workshop Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema

Darwin Core Archive and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
Gabriele Droege, Katharine Barker, Paul Flemons
An iDigBio perspective on Darwin Core Archives
Alexander Thompson, Jose Fortes, Andrea Matsunaga

Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data

Concepts and Tools Needed to Increase Bottom-Up Taxonomic Expert Participation in a Global Names-Based Infrastructure
Nico Franz, David Patterson, Sudhir Kumar, Edward Gilbert
BiOnym – a flexible workflow approach to taxon name matching
Edward Vanden Berghe, Nicolas Bailly, Caselyn Aldemita, Fabio Fiorellato, Gianpaolo Coro, Anton Ellenbroek, Pasquale Pagano

Workshop: Darwin Core DNA and Tissue Data Standard for the Global Genome Biodiversity Network

Workshop: Darwin Core DNA and Tissue Data Standard for the Global Genome Biodiversity Network
Paul Kenneth Flemons, Katharine Barker, Gabrielle Dröge

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.