General Papers
Using ElasticSearch as a fast, flexible, and scalable solution to search occurrence records and checklists | |
Christian Gendreau, Marie-Elise Lecoq, David P. Shorthouse, Luc Brouillet |
Assisted restructure of web content for paper-based presentation: a look at work flows and data representations | |
Alice Heaton, Simon Rycroft, Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton, Ben Scott, Koureas Dimitris, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith |
Xper3: Introducing Social Taxonomy | |
Thomas Burguiere, Florian Causse, Antoine Bergamaschi, Nils Paulhe, Anais Grand, Frederic Lison, Visotheary Ung, Regine Vignes-Lebbe |
The French standard "Occurrence of taxon" : issues, organization and results | |
Julie Chataigner, Laurent Poncet, Marie-Elise Lecoq, Anne-Sophie Archambeau, Thierry Bourgoin |
Coupling phenotype descriptions and phylogenetic trees: from SDD to ontologies via graph databases | |
Anaïs Grand, Régine Vignes Lebbe, Eduardo Miranda, André Santanchè |
Practical Use and Database Quality Control of the Korea National Biospecies Information System | |
Sangyong KIM, Jae-Hyeun KIM, You-Mi LEE, Joon-Hwan SHIN |
Plinian Core: integrating information about species | |
Santiago Martínez de la Riva, Carmen Quesada, Francisco Pando de la Hoz, Bárbara Ayala-Orozco, Ángela M. Suárez-Mayorga, María Mora, Danny Vélez, Jose Trinidad Mendoza Gaytan, Daniel Lins da Silva, Patricia Koleff, Maria Esther Quintero Rivero, Aurelio Sanabria |
A strategy for integration of big (phenotype) data | |
Suzanna Lewis, Paula Mabee, Andy Deans, Eva Huala, Chris Mungall |
Xper3: Introducing Social Taxonomy | |
Thomas Burguiere, Florian Causse, Antoine Bergamaschi, Nils Paulhe, Anais Grand, Frederic Lison, Visotheary Ung, Regine Vignes-Lebbe |
The DINA-Specify Consortium | |
Fredrik Ronquist, Markus Englund, Karin Karlsson, Kevin Holston, Ida Li |
A High Volume Media Library using TDWG Audubon Core | |
Wouter Addink, Ayco Holleman, Adrie Berg, Joost van Leusen, Atze de Vries, David Heijkamp |
Biodiversity Network of the Humboldt-Ring (BiNHum): Access to high-quality object data, extension of established database systems and set-up of a joint data portal | |
Joerg Lange, Joachim Holstein, Anita Roth-Nebelsick, Christopher Traiser, Florian Raub, Hubert Höfer, Klaus Riede, Peter Grobe, Maik Röder, Christian Köhler, Anton Güntsch, Gabriele Dröge, Patricia Kelbert, Dagmar Triebel, Anton Link, Markus Weiss, Dieter Neubacher, Tanja Weibulat |
Symposium: Empowering International e-Collaboration for Sustainability
Use it or lose it: Crowdsourcing support and outreach activities in a hybrid sustainability model for e-infrastructures – The ViBRANT project case studies | |
Dimitrios Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Vincent Smith |
Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity | |
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pankaj Jaiwal, Laurel Cooper, Selim Louafi, Pierre Larmande, Caterina Caraciolo, Johannes Keizer, Richard Bruskiewich |
Symposium Biodiversity informatics services and workflows
Provenance in Scientific Workflows: Challenges and Opportunities for Biodiversity Informatics | |
Bertram Ludaescher, Paolo Missier, David Lowery, Tianhong Song, Maureen Kelly, Sven Koehler, James Macklin, Paul Morris, Robert Morris, James Hanken |
Improving Natural Science Collections Data through Quality Control for Research using Workflows Embedded in a FilteredPush network | |
James A Macklin, James Hanken, Maureen Kelly, Sven Koehler, David B Lowery, Bertram Ludaescher, Paul J Morris, Robert A Morris, Tianhong Song |
Symposium: Minimum Information Standards for Biological Collections: Beyond Darwin Core
Using and Extending Darwin Core for structured attribute data | |
Cynthia Parr, Patrick Leary, Jennifer Hammock, Katja Schulz, Nathan Wilson |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Technologies, Reasoning and Annotation
A faceted search system for facilitating the understanding and the prediction of ecosystem changes | |
Marie-Angélique Laporte, Eric Garnier, Isabelle Mougenot |
Semantic matching of interests to annotations with SPARQL queries on reasoned triples | |
Paul J Morris, James Hanken, Maureen Kelly, David Lowery, Bertram Ludäscher, James A. Macklin, Robert A Morris, Tianhong Song |
SemantEco Annotator for Linked Data Generation and Generalized Semantic Mapping | |
Patrice Seyed, Katherine Chastain, Brendan Ashby, Yue Liu, Timothy Lebo, Evan Patton, Deborah McGuinness |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Formal Models and Ontologies
Using Answer Set Programming to Simulate the Interplay of Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Change | |
Nico Franz, Joohyung Lee |
A Toolkit for Reconciling Multiple Taxonomic Perspectives: Euler/X and the Perelleschus Use Case | |
Nico Franz, Mingmin Chen, Shizhuo Yu, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludäscher |
Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics
Semantic tools for aggregation of morphological characters across studies | |
James Balhoff, Alex Dececchi, Paula Mabee, Hilmar Lapp |
Workshop Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema
Darwin Core Archives and the Encyclopedia of Life | |
Patrick Leary |
Discussion - Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema | |
Gabriele Droege, Patrick Leary |
Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data
Scratchpads: The virtual research environment for biodiversity data | |
Simon Rycroft, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith, Alice Heaton, Katherine Bouton, Laurence Livermore, Dimitris Koureas, Ed Baker |
In the hot seat: managing data- and workflows between biologists and computers | |
Dmitry Schigel, Hanna Koivula, Esko Piirainen, Eija-Leena Laiho |
Workshop: Sharing and delivery of reusable phylogenetic knowledge
Quest for Orthologs: anchoring comparative biology research | |
Suzanna Lewis, Quest for Orthologs Consortium |
Panel Discussion: Sharing & Delivery of Reusable Phylogenetic Knowledge | |
Hilmar Lapp |
Workshop: Sharing & Delivery of Reusable Phylogenetic Knowledge | |
Rutger Vos, Nico Cellinese, Hilmar Lapp |
Symposium: Scholarly Data Publishing in Biodiversity: Challenges and Potentials
Next generation sequencing requires next generation publishing: The Biodiversity Data Journal published the first Eukaryotic new species with a fully sequenced transcriptome, DNA barcode and microcomputed tomography | |
Lyubomir Penev, Pavel Stoev, Ana Komericki, Nesrine Akkari, Shalini Li, Xin Zhou, Scott Edmunds, Chris Hunter, Alexander Weigand, David Porco, Marzio Zapparoli, Teodor Georgiev, Daniel Mietchen, Dave Roberts, Vincent Smith |

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