Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

iDigBio Data Integration with Self-Referential Schemas
Sarfaraz Ahmed Soomro, Andrea Matsunaga, José A. B. Fortes
Natural History collections as valuable sources of biodiversity data; solution by MUSEION
Jiri Frank, Pavel Mlcoch
Coupling phenotype descriptions and phylogenetic trees: from SDD to ontologies via graph databases
Anaïs Grand, Régine Vignes Lebbe, Eduardo Miranda, André Santanchè
SeaIce: a Cross-Domain Crowd-Sourced Metadata Vocabulary
John Kunze, Jane Greenberg, Sarah Callaghan, Robert Guralnick, Greg Janee, Angela Murillo, Nassib Nassar, Christopher Patton, Karthik Ram, Jim Regetz, Tim Robertson


Bibliography of Life: Comprehensive services for biodiversity bibliographic references
David King, Guido Sautter, David Morse, Lyubomir Penev, Jordan Biserkov, Teodor Georgiev, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith
iDigBio as a Resource for the Digitization of a Billion Biodiversity Research Specimens
Deborah Paul, Austin R Mast, Greg Riccardi, Gil Nelson
Agora 3D: Evaluating the Digitisation of Scientific Collections
Jonathan Brecko, Mathys Aurore, Patricia Mergen, Emmanuel Gilissen, Franck Theeten, Chris Vastenhoud, Erik Buelincks
Fauna Europaea; all European animal species on the web
Yde de Jong, Florian Wetzel, Falko Gloeckler, Alexander Kroupa, Andreas Kohlbecker, Andreas Müller, Anton Guentsch, Gregor Hagendorn, Christoph Haueser
FADA: Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment
Aaike De Wever, Hendrik Segers, Koen Martens
agINFRA - where agriculture, biodiversity and information technology meet
David Morse, Jane Bromley, David King
Plinian Core: integrating information about species
Santiago Martínez de la Riva, Carmen Quesada, Francisco Pando de la Hoz, Bárbara Ayala-Orozco, Ángela M. Suárez-Mayorga, María Mora, Danny Vélez, Jose Trinidad Mendoza Gaytan, Daniel Lins da Silva, Patricia Koleff, Maria Esther Quintero Rivero, Aurelio Sanabria
A strategy for integration of big (phenotype) data
Suzanna Lewis, Paula Mabee, Andy Deans, Eva Huala, Chris Mungall
Building a mass-digitisation service infrastructure and user communities
Hannu Saarenmaa, Tero Mononen, Janne Karppinen, Mira Sääskilahti, Riitta Tegelberg
BioFresh: building a collaborative global freshwater biodiversity data hub
Aaike De Wever, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Nicolas Bailly, Vanessa Bremerich, Paul Jepson, Jörg Freyhof, Koen Martens, Klement Tockner
ComTax: Community-driven Curation for Taxonomic Databases
David Morse, Hui Yang, Alistair Willis, Anne de Roeck, David King

Interest Group

Annotations Interest Group
Paul J Morris
Image Interest Group, Multimedia Resources Task Group (MRTG) Report and Discussion
Robert A Morris

Symposium: Empowering International e-Collaboration for Sustainability

Long Live the Data
Eric T. Meyer
Strategies and partnerships for enabling infrastructure sustainability
Anne Maglia
Expanding and Sustaining Sub-Saharan African Participation and Collaboration with TDWG
Henry L. Bart, Patricia Mergen
Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pankaj Jaiwal, Laurel Cooper, Selim Louafi, Pierre Larmande, Caterina Caraciolo, Johannes Keizer, Richard Bruskiewich

Symposium Biodiversity informatics services and workflows

Provenance in Scientific Workflows: Challenges and Opportunities for Biodiversity Informatics
Bertram Ludaescher, Paolo Missier, David Lowery, Tianhong Song, Maureen Kelly, Sven Koehler, James Macklin, Paul Morris, Robert Morris, James Hanken
Biodiversity Informatics Services: Fit for Use?
Cherian Mathew
Improving Natural Science Collections Data through Quality Control for Research using Workflows Embedded in a FilteredPush network
James A Macklin, James Hanken, Maureen Kelly, Sven Koehler, David B Lowery, Bertram Ludaescher, Paul J Morris, Robert A Morris, Tianhong Song
Using the Taverna Workflow Tool Suite for Biodiversity Research in the BioVeL Project.
Norman Morrison

Symposium: Big Data coming from Earth Observation Networks

The GEOSS Brokering System
Paolo Mazzetti, Stefano Nativi, Mattia Santoro, Fabrizio Papeschi
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) Cyberinfrastructure Status and Futures
Andréa Matsunaga, Renato Figueiredo, Alex Thompson, Gregory Traub, Reed Beaman, José A. B. Fortes

Symposium: Biodiversity Data Quality – issues, methods and tools

Collaborative validation of visual data through the Pl@ntNet identification system
Samuel Dufour-Kowalski, Jeremy Salinier, Aurelien Peronnet, Jennifer Carré, Jean-Pascal Milcent, Hervé Goëau, Alexis Joly, Nozha Boujemaa, Pierre Bonnet, Julien Barbe, Jean-Francois Molino, Daniel Barthélémy

Workshop: Documenting the Darwin Core

Development of proposals and documentation; Future Directions
James Alexander Macklin

Symposium: Minimum Information Standards for Biological Collections: Beyond Darwin Core

World Flora Online
Chuck Miller

Symposium: Building and maintaining crowd sourcing Websites and their Communities

Crowd sourcing climate change research
Elizabeth Ellwood, Richard Primack, Peter Everill, Jane Marsching, Matthew Shanley
iDigBio's Public Participation in Digitization Management System
Austin Mast, Elizabeth Ellwood, Robert Bruhn, Greg Riccardi

Semantics for Biodiversity - Technologies, Reasoning and Annotation

A faceted search system for facilitating the understanding and the prediction of ecosystem changes
Marie-Angélique Laporte, Eric Garnier, Isabelle Mougenot
Semantic matching of interests to annotations with SPARQL queries on reasoned triples
Paul J Morris, James Hanken, Maureen Kelly, David Lowery, Bertram Ludäscher, James A. Macklin, Robert A Morris, Tianhong Song
Modeling Property Values: Is SKOS Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem? Knowledge Representation Issues.
Robert A. Morris
SemantEco Annotator for Linked Data Generation and Generalized Semantic Mapping
Patrice Seyed, Katherine Chastain, Brendan Ashby, Yue Liu, Timothy Lebo, Evan Patton, Deborah McGuinness

Semantics for Biodiversity - Formal Models and Ontologies

Implementing a semantic mediator to integrate flower-visiting records from South African natural history museums
Willem Coetzer, Deshendran Moodley, Aurona Gerber
Ontology Extraction from Unstructured Text in the Biodiversity Domain
Daniele Cristina Palazzi Krempser, Ana Maria Moura, Maria Luiza Machado Campos, Luiz Gadelha

Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics

The Crop Ontology: towards the semantic integration of open plant trait data
Elizabeth Arnaud, Luca Matteis, Pierre-Yves Chibon, Milko Skofic, Pankaj Jaiswal, Laurel Cooper, Rosemary Shrestha, Mark Wilkinson, Richard Bruskiewich, Graham McLaren
Hierarchical Search in SemantEco Supporting Varied Ontology Design Patterns
Patrice Seyed, Evan Patton, Deborah McGuinness
Semantic tools for aggregation of morphological characters across studies
James Balhoff, Alex Dececchi, Paula Mabee, Hilmar Lapp
Prototyping a botanical knowledge portal
James Macklin, Joel Sachs, Hong Cui, Heather Cole

Workshop: Biodiversity for Cooperation and Development

Workshop: Biodiversity for Cooperation and Development
Patricia Mergen

Symposium: Mobilizing biodiversity information in Sub-Saharan Africa

Kudzai Mafuwe
Opening Remarks
Patricia Mergen, Henry L. Bart

Workshop Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema

An iDigBio perspective on Darwin Core Archives
Alexander Thompson, Jose Fortes, Andrea Matsunaga

Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data

The EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy as an information broker in name infrastructures
Andreas Kohlbecker, Yde de Jong, Cherian Mathew, Lorna Morris, Andreas Müller, Anton Güntsch, Walter Berendsohn
A pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI)
Yde de Jong, Florian Wetzel, Gregor Hagendorn, Falko Gloeckler, Christoph Haeuser, Marc Geoffroy, Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Anton Guentsch, Walter Berendsohn, Nicola Nicolson, Alan Paton, Paul Kirk, Bart Vanhoorne, Simon Claus, Francisco (Tjess) Hernandez, Jan Mees, Christos Arvanitidis, Hannu Saarenmaa, Valerio Sbordoni, Aaike De Wever, Hendrik Segers, Ulf Gärdenfors, David King

Workshop: Sharing and delivery of reusable phylogenetic knowledge

Sharing phylogenetic data: even more vital for morphological data
Ross Mounce

Symposium: Biodiversity vocabulary management - outcomes of the VoMaG Task Group

Modeling Property Values: is SKOS part of the solution or part of the problem?
Robert A Morris

Symposium: Scholarly Data Publishing in Biodiversity: Challenges and Potentials

Next generation sequencing requires next generation publishing: The Biodiversity Data Journal published the first Eukaryotic new species with a fully sequenced transcriptome, DNA barcode and microcomputed tomography
Lyubomir Penev, Pavel Stoev, Ana Komericki, Nesrine Akkari, Shalini Li, Xin Zhou, Scott Edmunds, Chris Hunter, Alexander Weigand, David Porco, Marzio Zapparoli, Teodor Georgiev, Daniel Mietchen, Dave Roberts, Vincent Smith

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.