Presentations and Authors

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General Papers

Assisted restructure of web content for paper-based presentation: a look at work flows and data representations
Alice Heaton, Simon Rycroft, Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton, Ben Scott, Koureas Dimitris, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith
BIH 2013: a goal to unite communities
Alex Hardisty, Dave Roberts
A decadal view of biodiversity informatics: challenges and priorities
Alex Hardisty, Dave Roberts
Miss the forest for the trees: bringing together multiple classifications
Heimo Rainer, Wolfgang Koller
Crowd sourcing in an attention economy
Olivier Rovellotti, Julie Chabalier, Amandine Sahl
DiversityMobile as part of the Diversity Workbench platform – a data pipeline from smartphone recording up to GBIF access
Tanja Weibulat, Georg Rollinger, Wolfgang Reichert, Markus Weiss, Dieter Neubacher, Bernhard Volz, Gerhard Rambold, Dagmar Triebel
Lost in annotation? A publish-subscribe extension for Semantic MediaWiki vocabulary management system
Julie Chabalier, Amandine Sahl, Olivier Rovellotti
ViBRANT: progress towards an integrated framework
Vince Smith, Dave Roberts
SeaIce: a Cross-Domain Crowd-Sourced Metadata Vocabulary
John Kunze, Jane Greenberg, Sarah Callaghan, Robert Guralnick, Greg Janee, Angela Murillo, Nassib Nassar, Christopher Patton, Karthik Ram, Jim Regetz, Tim Robertson


Bibliography of Life: Comprehensive services for biodiversity bibliographic references
David King, Guido Sautter, David Morse, Lyubomir Penev, Jordan Biserkov, Teodor Georgiev, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith
PlutoF – multifunctional workbench for taxonomical and ecological research, biodiversity data collection and analysis
Kessy Abarenkov, Urmas Kõljalg, Marko Peterson, Siim Halapuu, Janno Jõgeva, Karl Ranna, Henrik Nilsson
eBiodiversity – web portal for Estonian biodiversity data
Marko Peterson, Urmas Kõljalg, Kessy Abarenkov, Veljo Runnel, Siim Halapuu, Janno Jõgeva, Karl Ranna
iDigBio as a Resource for the Digitization of a Billion Biodiversity Research Specimens
Deborah Paul, Austin R Mast, Greg Riccardi, Gil Nelson
PaleoCore: An ontology and data standard for paleoanthropology
Denne Reed
The Catalogue of Life Virtual Community
Peter Schalk, Wouter Addink, Yuri Roskov
Lets talk: technical infrastructure and workflows for the OpenUp! Common Names Service
Wolfgang Koller, Heimo Rainer
Lets talk: accessing scientific content through their vernacular names representations
Heimo Rainer, Wolfgang Koller
M-EOL: biodiversity awareness for gamers
Julie Chabalier, Céline Vidal, Amandine Sahl, Olivier Rovellotti
The DINA-Specify Consortium
Fredrik Ronquist, Markus Englund, Karin Karlsson, Kevin Holston, Ida Li
Biodiversity Network of the Humboldt-Ring (BiNHum): Access to high-quality object data, extension of established database systems and set-up of a joint data portal
Joerg Lange, Joachim Holstein, Anita Roth-Nebelsick, Christopher Traiser, Florian Raub, Hubert Höfer, Klaus Riede, Peter Grobe, Maik Röder, Christian Köhler, Anton Güntsch, Gabriele Dröge, Patricia Kelbert, Dagmar Triebel, Anton Link, Markus Weiss, Dieter Neubacher, Tanja Weibulat
Miss the forest for the trees: technical infrastructure for handling multiple classifications
Wolfgang Koller, Heimo Rainer

Symposium: Empowering International e-Collaboration for Sustainability

Use it or lose it: Crowdsourcing support and outreach activities in a hybrid sustainability model for e-infrastructures – The ViBRANT project case studies
Dimitrios Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Vincent Smith
Building sustainable biodiversity information systems
Fredrik Ronquist

Symposium: Big Data coming from Earth Observation Networks

GBIF's Role in the Earth Observation System
Tim Robertson, Éamonn Ó Tuama

Symposium: Crafting the future of a Global Biodiversity Heritage Library for diverse community’s needs

Finding a goldmine of natural history illustrations within BHL texts: the Art of Life project
Trish Rose-Sandler
Please phrase your question in the form of feedback...
Constance Rinaldo

Workshop: Content provision workshop using BioCASe and OpenUp! infrastructure

Natural History Meets Culture
Heimo Rainer, Koller Wolfgang

Symposium: Minimum Information Standards for Biological Collections: Beyond Darwin Core

Strategies and Vocabularies for Representing Interactions among Biodiversity Objects
Greg Riccardi
Discussion - Beyond Darwin Core
Greg Riccardi

Symposium: Building and maintaining crowd sourcing Websites and their Communities

Georeferencing Fishes: a Community-Based Model
Nelson Rios, Henry Bart
iDigBio's Public Participation in Digitization Management System
Austin Mast, Elizabeth Ellwood, Robert Bruhn, Greg Riccardi

Semantics for Biodiversity - Interoperability with Genomic and Environmental semantics

The Earth Microbiome Project: Planetary-scale systems ecology.
Sean Gibbons, Jack Gilbert, Rob Knight, Janet Jansson, Jai Rideout, Antonio Gonzales, Emmanuel Prestat, J Gregory Caporaso

Symposium: Mobilizing biodiversity information in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Use of Plants Database to Identify Gaps in Biodiversity Conservation Network in Madagascar. reviewed Abstract _Patricia Merg
Tantely Raminosoa

Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data

Scratchpads: The virtual research environment for biodiversity data
Simon Rycroft, Dave Roberts, Vince Smith, Alice Heaton, Katherine Bouton, Laurence Livermore, Dimitris Koureas, Ed Baker

Workshop: Sharing and delivery of reusable phylogenetic knowledge

Assembling a draft overall tree of life from phylogenetic trees and taxonomic databases
Jonathan A Rees

Symposium: Scholarly Data Publishing in Biodiversity: Challenges and Potentials

Next generation sequencing requires next generation publishing: The Biodiversity Data Journal published the first Eukaryotic new species with a fully sequenced transcriptome, DNA barcode and microcomputed tomography
Lyubomir Penev, Pavel Stoev, Ana Komericki, Nesrine Akkari, Shalini Li, Xin Zhou, Scott Edmunds, Chris Hunter, Alexander Weigand, David Porco, Marzio Zapparoli, Teodor Georgiev, Daniel Mietchen, Dave Roberts, Vincent Smith

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