General Papers
Online Annotation of Biodiversity Data – the AnnoSys Approach | |
Okka Tschoepe, Lutz Suhrbier, Anton Güntsch, Walter G. Berendsohn |
Hands-On AnnoSys – Managing Annotations Online | |
Lutz Suhrbier, Okka Tschöpe |
DiversityMobile as part of the Diversity Workbench platform – a data pipeline from smartphone recording up to GBIF access | |
Tanja Weibulat, Georg Rollinger, Wolfgang Reichert, Markus Weiss, Dieter Neubacher, Bernhard Volz, Gerhard Rambold, Dagmar Triebel |
Enhancing Data Quality using AnnoSys – An Annotation System for Biodiversity Data | |
Lutz Suhrbier, Okka Tschöpe |
Agora 3D: Evaluating the Digitisation of Scientific Collections | |
Jonathan Brecko, Mathys Aurore, Patricia Mergen, Emmanuel Gilissen, Franck Theeten, Chris Vastenhoud, Erik Buelincks |
Building a mass-digitisation service infrastructure and user communities | |
Hannu Saarenmaa, Tero Mononen, Janne Karppinen, Mira Sääskilahti, Riitta Tegelberg |
BioFresh: building a collaborative global freshwater biodiversity data hub | |
Aaike De Wever, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Nicolas Bailly, Vanessa Bremerich, Paul Jepson, Jörg Freyhof, Koen Martens, Klement Tockner |
Biodiversity Network of the Humboldt-Ring (BiNHum): Access to high-quality object data, extension of established database systems and set-up of a joint data portal | |
Joerg Lange, Joachim Holstein, Anita Roth-Nebelsick, Christopher Traiser, Florian Raub, Hubert Höfer, Klaus Riede, Peter Grobe, Maik Röder, Christian Köhler, Anton Güntsch, Gabriele Dröge, Patricia Kelbert, Dagmar Triebel, Anton Link, Markus Weiss, Dieter Neubacher, Tanja Weibulat |
Symposium: Big Data coming from Earth Observation Networks
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) Cyberinfrastructure Status and Futures | |
Andréa Matsunaga, Renato Figueiredo, Alex Thompson, Gregory Traub, Reed Beaman, José A. B. Fortes |
Symposium: Building and maintaining crowd sourcing Websites and their Communities
Engaging Citizens in Specimen Digitization at the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium Specimens | |
Barbara Mary Thiers |
Symposium: Mobilizing biodiversity information in Sub-Saharan Africa
Coping with the technical and institutional changing context in cooperation development projects. | reviewed Abstract _Patricia Merg |
Franck Theeten |
Workshop Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema
An iDigBio perspective on Darwin Core Archives | |
Alexander Thompson, Jose Fortes, Andrea Matsunaga |
Symposium: Developing a Names-based Architecture for Linking Biodiversity Data
Design of "LODAC Species" as a Names-based Linked Open Data architecture | |
Akihiro Kameda, Fumihiro Kato, Utsugi Jimbo, Ikki Ohmukai, Hideaki Takeda |

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