Building: Elmia Congress Centre, Jönköping
Room: Rum 10
Date: 2014-10-28 02:15 PM – 02:30 PM
Last modified: 2014-10-03
The legacy taxonomic literature forms a keystone for many areas of biodiversity research. Through its digitization efforts and open access policies, the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) has greatly improved the efficiency of research by enabling global access to information that was previously available in only a few select locations throughout the world. Yet much of the usefulness of the literature is dependent on both its ability to be discovered and in its relationship to other types of biodiversity information. For example, among the tens of millions of pages contained in BHL, large compendiums of journal runs can contain a wide range of information with only a small portion relevant to a specific researcher. To facilitate drilling down to the relevant content, BHL pulls in article segmentation data produced by BioStor ( The incorporation of name finding algorithms, specifically those provided by Global Names Architecture, enables BHL to generate bibliographies of all pages containing a specified taxon name. The identification of name strings has also been instrumental in enabling BHL to integrate content into other bioinformatics systems such as the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). This talk will introduce the BHL’s baseline of established integrated services and interrelationships with other information resources in the global biodiversity community.