Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club
September 28, 2015 – October 1, 2015
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) will hold its 2015 annual conference 28 September to 1 October 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. This is TDWG’s first conference in Africa! The theme of the conference is Applications, Standards and Capacity Building for Sustaining Global Biodiversity. Subprograms will include: Digitization, Semantic Technologies, Phyloinformatics, Outreach and Collaboration, ePublications, Trait Data, and Conservation informatics. A 5-day capacity building workshop for African participants at the conference will be organized, focussing primarily on biodiversity collection digitization, biodiversity databases, data cleaning, and georeferencing. The workshop dates are 21-25 September 2015 (the week before the TDWG conference).
Conference Information
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