Missouri Botanical Garden Open Conference Systems, TDWG 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

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Experiences and Lessons in Open Access of the scientific journal, e-Ciencias de la Información
Daniela Muñoz Alvarado

Last modified: 2016-10-30


This talk presents the experiences and lessons of the scientific journal e-Ciencias de la Información, of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Costa Rica, as an Open Access journal in the field. Established as a research project in 2011, e-Ciencias de la Información has developed a series of components that has set up a solid basis for the publication of research in the area of information science. Aspects of the history of the journal are presented, as well its focus, scope, periodicity, publication policies, copyright, ethics and recommended editorial practices, guidelines for authors, indexing and data base criteria accomplished by the journal, citation and impact, and its transformations through time.