Missouri Botanical Garden Open Conference Systems, TDWG 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

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Species pages in Mexico: using PlinianCore to standardize information
Esther Quintero, Patricia Koleff, José Mendoza

Last modified: 2016-09-11


The Plinian Core Standard aims to facilitate the mobilization of species level information by standardizing and structuring information from different data-bases through the use of common standards, including DwC (Darwin Core) and EML (Ecological Markup Language). The integration with these standards will allow the interoperability of species level information to the IPT (GBIF’s Integrated Publishing Toolkit) and GBIF data portal with different species cataloguers that implement Plinian Core. In CONABIO, Mexico´s GBIF node, we have adapted our rich content species pages to the Plinian Core Standard (v. 3.2), along with the use of controlled vocabularies  and the control of information in extenso (via ancillary data elements). We are currently testing  data input  into the new data base, integrated according to the standard, and have documented best practices for sharing species information. We have also analyzed and mapped the compatibilities between the Plinian Core and EOL (Encyclopedia of Life) standards. We are analyzing procedures to create an XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) process that will allow us to transform Plinian Core xml files into DwC and EOL xml files, as well as to the GBIF IPT extensions.  Ultimately, the new rich content species pages will be available through CONABIO´s new species page (www.enciclovida.mx) and through our partner EOL.