Missouri Botanical Garden Open Conference Systems, TDWG 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

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Building Linked Open Data for Zooarchaeological Specimens and Their Context
Laura Brenskelle, Rob Penn Guralnick, John Wieczorek

Building: CTEC
Room: Auditorium
Date: 2016-12-07 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Last modified: 2016-10-16


Zooarchaeological collections data present special challenges for mobilization into global biodiversity networks, given the critical importance that human site context plays in interpretation.  At the same time, faunal remains are biological samples that can be represented using existing standards.  Here we present a means to use a linked open data framework to connect cultural context and specimen data in order  to support integrated global change research.  We demonstrate this approach using a subset of the zooarchaeological holdings of the Florida Museum of Natural History as a case study.  We show how these datasets can be expressed using Darwin Core, especially information relating to excavation, chronology, and cultural provenience.  We also have developed means to share context information with Open Context, an archaeoinformatics project that is well established in the community.  We discuss the importance of linked open data frameworks in representing zooarchaeological data, and the importance for future development of Darwin Core extensions to further appropriately capture contents rather than relegating this content to container fields such as dynamicProperties in Darwin Core. Many of the concepts required to share zooarchaeological data have conceptual overlap with paleontological data, and we argue it is timely and needed to fully connect biological, paleontological, and archaeological data together most efficiently for broad scientific use.